Friday, November 27, 2009

My "Larder". I use this cabinet under the TV to stow Nutrisystem Dinners and Lunches. Breakfast and Snacks are in another cupboard. My new supply just arrived on Thursday, this is the start of the second month using the diet. I'll be doing this until mid February.
The "Beach" is finally finished. Took up every thing, put on fresh sand. Made 4 round trips to the Sand and Gravel yard to fill up 5 gallon buckets, could only put 3 in the trunk.

Several little fun things, plus some pretty stones and some glass marbles.

Our "Big" Sea Tortoise.

Pretty lady fish.

And a snail. The little red poppies came all the way from England! Put there by our neighbors Arthur and Jacqui.

Here it is from the front on looking back.

Our neighbor, Redd. We're fortunate to have such a good neighbor and friend here in the park.

December 6, 2009. 75 degrees in the shade, but warmer out there in the sun. Pat is almost finished with this side of our house. She's hand washed it, applied good carnuba paste wax, and is now polishing it out. I've removed all the shells, lights and figures from "The Beach" and have been hauling in new sand. Tomorrow I'll bring in the last load of sand, and get everything organized again.

Soon the harvest things will come down, and we'll be putting up an outside tree and a few decorations.

Redd, or neighbor went to the swap meet today and brought us the saw hanging up on the top of the porch rail. It's hand painted and says "Hooray for Snowdays". The paint may come off if I need to use it as a saw:-)

Our Tangelo tree is loaded, and the fruit is just now getting ripe. Pat will be having fresh squeezeed juice every morning for a while. It too sweet for me, but I can eat one small one every day.

Many businesses in Algodones, Mexico have had new paint and remodeling done last summer. Also, new paving, and side walk repairs. The little medical city is getting too "Americanized" for me.

One of the little alcoves that have dental offices and Tourist items.

There are MANY places to eat in town, but this little place makes the best shrimp tacos and tamales that we've found.

It's early, around 9 AM. The street vendors are just opening up.

Ceramics, metal, and paintings..and jewelry are the main attractions being sold.

This candy story sells lots of small pinatas, as well as the sweets that go inside them.

A Restaurant near the Border Crossing.

Mary has done a good job in Algodones. She has several stores here now, and sells a variety of things besides medicine.

The border from the US side. To walk or drive in, you're not stopped. Coming out, the US Customs and Border agents do a pretty good job of random checking. I thought that the passport requirement would make the trip out quicker, but it's still a long wait.

A door know from a bathroom in a very old time Harley shop. Redd is working on a new walking stick. He plans to inlay some tourquoise around the top under the know, then lace some leather on the hand hold area. I'll get another picture when he's finished.

My friend Redd is pointing to an old swimming hole in the Colorado River. The little split in the greenery on the other side used to be an open beach then went down into a deep swimming hole. Up river a few feet, they used to catch huge fresh water Catfish in the evenings.

Spillway over Laguna Dam. One of the last Dams on the Colorado before it enters the Gulf of Mexico at San Luis De Colorado.

Redd checking out one of the rocket launchers at the Proving Ground.

Weapon on Display

Suzi Scoot, and Redd's 09 Sportster 1200 Low. I did the first oil change and check on his bike just before we left on this ride today.

Redd posing on his motorcycle,

The "Big Gun". This is a 280 mmm. It weighs 47 tons! Each projectile weighs 600 pounds, and the muzzel velocity is 2500 feet per second. It's range is 18 miles!

A lot of the machinery has been removed from the gun, it's in stor rooms here on the Proving Grounds.

1200 cc Harley Sportster engine. This one has 1100 miles on it.

November 27th, 2009. We're down by the tracks in Berkeley, California. Here we have Richard, Manjo, Howard, Lil' Doc, Rad, Uwe, and Carl. Don (VSP) had a nice little place picked out, but the "people" traffic in that area of Berkeley was very heavy today, Black Friday. There would have been close to a 2 hour wait to get tables for us. So, this was a back up location.

Visiting in the parking lot, waiting for Don. He stayed at the planned meeting place to make sure no one showed up and didn't know where to go.

Lil' Doc, Manjo, Carl, Uwe, Rad, Don, Richard, and Howard. Remember, you can click on any picture to enlarge it.

Don took over my camera to get this shot. Same people, except for one change.

Brennan's is open for lunch and dinner. An interesting Cafeteria located in a nicely remodeled Southern Pacific Train Station, located near the University of California, Berkeley. A nice little conservative college.

Brennan's has been around for a long time, in this same general area.

Richard had a ham dinner.

This was my lunch, exactly as it was served up. Half a pastrami sandwich, a very small cup of sort of warm soup. Not much flavor, and most of the contents were floating on top. And a small diet coke. Nothing came with the small you can see, it cost $11.30. A little on the high side.

Howard (nitelite) has a plain sandwich and a side of mashed taters and gravy.

Lil' doc had a couple of small salads, Manjo had some fish and chips.

The salads looked good!

Our table of 9 people. We were expecting jest, Ron and Patty, and Cranky. I was disappointed they didn't make it. The weather looked a little threatening, but it turned out nice. We missed those that didn't join us!

Any VROC 'get together' is fun. This was Carl's first time to meet us, he'll be a good addition to the group.

Still visiting.

There is a horseshoe bar in the main room.

Manjo says "It was this big" ! :-)

Howard says, "I can beat that!" :-)

The food line. Unlike a buffet, you pay (a lot) for anything you take or ask for. Those Snapple 16 oz. bottles were $3.00!

Stewey has some fans here, but they don't know how to spell his name.

The old Southern Pacific Train Station.

Howard, Richard, and I was sitting in the "green Lizard" waiting for the others to show up. We just caught a glimps of this bike coming in. He rode passed us and parked a few spaces down. It looked like a Harley from a distance, and we didn't recognize the rider. Howard said, "Hey! There's Gus! He came to join us!" I decided to go check out his bike and ask to take a picture. As I got closer, realized it was a Nomad, and he was one of us! Carl, from Vacaville.

Beautiful work on the bike, a Hawaiian Warrior theme. The fairing was just installed, it will be painted to match soon.

This is an exact replica of a Warrior weapon. Carl told us the story. The bike is very well done, and it's interesting to hear him tell about it.

A warrior's helmet.

Uwe and Rad had a nice sandwich.

An Amtrak pulled in while we were there, they are beautiful trains. This is one of their scheduled stops. Thanks to Don for organizing this little "Day After" lunch, or what we'll call "VROC Black Friday Buffet". Maybe we can do it again next year, at a different location in the Bay Area. A big thanks to our special guests, Manjo and Lil' Doc, who came all the way from Massachusetts just to have lunch with the NORCAL group! I'm not really local, but they have sort of adopted me, since I live on both sides of them (Oregon and Arizona)